This page test browser support for svg-stack images. If your browser properly supports them you should see an rss-icon in the "test image"-column for each inclusion method in the table below.
For those that don't know... an svg-stack is the svg-equivalent of an image-sprite, i.e. combining multiple images in 1 file (done to speed up pageload by decreasing the number of round trips needed).
The nice thing about svg-stacks as opposed to bitmap sprites is that you don't need to do any calculations as you can refer to the image you want with hash-tag url (e.g. for the rss-icon used below).
This works by:
The below table has example code for including a svg-stack image through various means, and a summary for the major browsers (last updated on 2015-01-21).
html/css method | test image | Firefox | Opera | Chrome 36+ | IE9+ |
via css background-image and url() | OK | OK | OK | OK | |
via embed tag | OK | OK | OK | OK | |
via object tag | OK | OK | OK | OK | |
via img tag | OK | OK | OK | OK |
The webkit bug for this bug is Bug 92585